Sunday, March 2, 2014

Year Six Off To A Good Start!

Helllllllllo! So while I didn't get an anniversary photo..that lovely bf of mine is less than thrilled with taking pictures... I did take one of my new charm for my origami owl locket!!!

Cor is the most thoughtful and picked a charm all on his own!!! I doubt he read the previous post in which I mentioned it, so I'm giving him 100% credit!! He sure knows how to make me smile! 

He chose a '5' for the five blissful years we've been in love! It's so perfect, I couldn't have chosen better myself! 
A pink heart and I think it will be complete.. Cough cough =] 

Anyway we had a yummy dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant on Friday night, complete with live music! Saturday Cor spent the day studying and then we headed to Oak Hills' quarter final CIF game.. They lost, but it was still fun!

Today we had lunch, well Cor did and I watched, at a Pho place after Cor's study sesh- 

Big bowl, big boy! 

Oh! We also booked our Spring Break to San Francisco!!! I am soooooo beyond excited! Cor has never been and I haven't been since I was a kid and don't remember anything so it doesn't count anyway! Road trippppp!! We booked a room with - which if you don't know is a website in which hosts rent out rooms in their homes! There are reviews and the rates are awesome! So we shall see how this goes!!! I'll report after our trial run! 

SF I'm ready for you... 21 days and counting... 

That's all I have to report today, oh besides.. Hello March! On to month 3 in 2014! 


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