Thursday, February 27, 2014

A very merry FIVE year anniversary with a return home just in time!

Hi y'all! Today is Cor and I's lovely five year anniversary!!! Sheesh!! Five wonderfully happy years with my favorite person has been nothing short of a dream come true! 

Rewind a couple days and Cor finally caught a flight home (a couple days later than I mentioned in my last post) and I feel complete again! He flew into Riverside, so my dad drove him down to San Diego to pick up his truck... Buttttttt he forgot his keys! Woops!!!! So we will be making another trip down there this weekend (hopefully we will get to see Miss Ais and Mr Carson!!!) Again, I'm so happy to have him back home to me! 

Here are the last photos from his Hawaii trip:

Last night we went to the Oak Hills second round CIF women's basketball game! It was so much fun and they KILLED it!!!!

Back to today!!!! Since it's a Thursday we will celebrate this weekend, but we've had some good quality time together this evening!

In honor of our Anni I thought I'd post a pic from each year of our relationship! 

One of the very first photos we ever took together! In Virginia! Smiles!!!

This was actually taken on our one year anniversary!! Again in Virginia! 

This was taken on our two year anniversary! In Riverside, CA! We had Bruce here for about 4 months!!!

Year 3 in San Diego, CA! This wasn't taken on our anniversary, but it was taken at our roommate at the time's BUDS graduation! (Not sure if we took an anni photo???)

This was taken last year on our anniversary in San Diego, CA! We went out to Hillcrest and had Sangria and Moroccan food! It was a great night! 

I haven't gotten Cor to take a photo with my this year yet, but it will be posted shortly!!

I can't say enough how much I love the relationship Cor and I have! We have come so far and worked so hard to get where we are at! It hasn't always been easy, but it's always been worth it!! (So cliche but it's true!!!!) 

I love you Cor, more today than ever before, but not as much as I will tomorrow!! Hehe =] 

Extra XO's today!!

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