Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Today is St. Patrick's Day! It was a sea of green at Maple today and I definitely was not in danger of being pinched!

Sorry for the selfie, but I have to show off my pretty green headband of hope! I'm addicted (thanks Meg!) 

The last couple of weekends have been pretty melo... We're being conservative since our SF Spring Break is one week away!!! Woo Hoo!!

Here are some pics nonetheless! 

Cor had to point out that we look like we are in an interracial relationship at the moment.. I guess that's my hint to get in the sun a bit!

This is just a beautiful picture I took one morning as the sun was coming up during a walk with Brucey! Love a pink sky!

I've been lucky enough to spend some good quality time with these two love bugs! Plenty of silly pics of course! Excuse the post-softball game loveliness! (Our team is doing GREAT- side note!)

This past Friday Cor and I walked around old town Pasadena.. It was lovely, but eh... Just another city! 

We diddddddd, however stop into the Melting Pot there for cheese and a beer (for Cor!).... The Melting Pot is always special to us!! Almost time for our annual birthday trip!!!

We also had a cheat meal on Saturday at Pieology... Cor wouldn't pause for a non-cheese string pic! And don't worry I did not eat the whole thing! Probably the last time I'll eat there though.. Besides the nice thin crust.. I'm just not that impressed! And I really love pizza!!!

We also saw 300 rise of an empire.. Which was pretty cheesy, but decent IMO! Plus I had perfect company =] 

Cor has reserves this coming weekend and I'll be packing and preparing for our wonderful vacation!!! Excited is an understatement! 

Until next time!


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