Wow I don't even know where to begin about today! Let's just say this will be an action packed post!!
We started the day bright and early off to Pier 33 to meet for our Alcatraz visit! It was raining pretty steadily, but luckily cleared up before noon!
Blurry rainy pic of AT&T park on the way!
Cool cannon at the dock
On the Ferry!! I was obviously wayyy excited!
Watch tower at the entrance
Cor looking out!
Evidence of the Indian population that tried to inhabit the island
3 stories of cells
This was a solitary confinement cell on D Block .. For the extra bad boys
This was the library.. Kind of hard to see.. But it was a big open room with locked gates on every side of course
Visitation window
Evidence of grenades from the 1942 riot
Control room
What the guards wore
View from the officers area
What's left of the Warden's house
(Starting to clear up!) view of the Golden Gate Bridge from the island
More control room
One of the cells that the infamous prisons escaped from as shown in "Escape From
Another escapee cell
This is the corridor where the escapee prisoners climbed out of their cells and onto the roof
More cell blocks
Prison kitchen
An actual former prisoner was signing his book in the bookstore! Cool! Bill blank or bill blank? Something like that!!
Coast Guard Tower!
Yayyy us with the city behind!!
View from down near the water
Handsome and the bridge =]
The rec yard
Cannon to guard the front before the island was used as a prison
Bye bye Alcatraz! It was SUCH a cool your and since I've been wanting to see that for yearssss.. I enjoyed it an extra amount!!
After Alcatraz we had delicious Italian food at Caffe Macaroni.. Tiny little place, delicious food.. But a little pricey! We are spoiled though, when we lived in Prescott there was an authentic Italian place.. Just as good, half the price! Worth it though after a long morning!
We then drove up to UC Berkeley, which was way closer than we thought!
Amazing views up at the science center!!
Wind blown lion mane and all!
Bell tower on campus!
Iconic building near the entrance
After exploring we stopped in at a place called 'Cinnaholic'... Full of customizable cinnamon rolls! Vegan too!
Mmmm mmm..
And what was actually even better than the cinnamon rolls.. Was their chocolate chip cookies!!! Doughy and perfection (we saved it for later!)
We then decided to go up to Grizzly Peak and wait for the sun to set! (Que the romantic awwwww)
It started to get pretty chilly and the fog was rolling in! Cor suggested we take a trail that was right next to us back into the woods!
We found a campground way back in there, which was so cool! (We will be returning to camp there!) we sat on a nearby bench and all of a sudden we heard a super loud sound, like a helicopter landing.. Looked up and a huge bird was flying through the trees.. After minimal research it had to have been a California condor or a turkey vulture! Absolutely massive!!
Anddd.. Just as we were standing there Mr. Smooth Operator pulled out a little black ring box!
Exactly what I wanted, he did such a good job.. I can't believe he was listening all those times I (not so smoothly) slipped it into conversations!! So now, if anyone asks.. We are officially going to get married =] .. So everyone can stop bugging!!!
Definitely a moment I will never forget, and I couldn't be happier! Love you babe!
This was the scene!
And a very dark, rushed photo!
We only had minutes left of light and a long way to go.. Remember we were in the middle of the woods.. So we literally had to run back to the car! There actually was a deer on the path and luckily Cor brought an umbrella, opened it and scared it away! I was SO nervous!! There were signs for mountain lion warnings everywhere!!
Definitely a thrilling 30 mins or so!!!!
Then it was time to head back to our room!
One for the books that's for sure!!
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