Sunday, February 16, 2014

Valentine's Day, etc etc

Valentine's Day has come and gone! Although its not one of my favorite holidays, any excuse for some quality time with my love is A ok!

Cor brought yummy chipotle (and a pretty red rose) to my work and had lunch with me, which was the best treat!
Then we headed to Oak Hills High School and watched the basketball game that my friend, Vanessa, coaches! 

It was a good game and fun to people watch the high schoolers of course! =] 

Watched some Netflix together and called it a night! Nice, simple and perfect if you ask me!

Saturday was the little softball team's (that I coach ((Hot Tamales)) first game which was so fun! I love coaching and I'm glad another season has begun!

This team is SOO much fun!!! Notice their heart shaped sunglasses? My idea of course =] they did great and it's going to be a great season!!!

Andddd Cor left for Hawaii today!!!!! Lucky butt gets to fly for freeee on a military airline and he was able to catch a plane to Hawaii this morning!! I'm so excited for him and so jealous!!!

These are the photos he's sent me so far! Look at all that leg room!!! 

One last thing to mention is something that I have been obsessing over for months!!! I know it's just a material thing, but it does have sentimental value as well! 

My new origami owl locket!!!!! I got an A, C and a paw print for our baby Brucey! I can't wait to add to it! (Hint Hint Cor great idea for upcoming holidays!!!) =]

That is all!! I will update shortly on Cor's Hawaiian adventure week!!!


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