Saturday, April 5, 2014

Happy Birthday Cor Bear!

Today is my wonderfully amazing other half's 24th birthday!!!!

As much as I want to go into all the reasons why I love today more than Cor.. I will save them for the card he already read.. Just between us!! I love you baby!

His birthday cupcake at dinner!

Lets Rewind a little..

The day started with me, Cor, and my friend Vanessa leaving before the sun was up down to Camp Pendleton to play paintball! We met up with our old roommate, Chucky.. Chucky's brother Sammy.. And Chucky's cousin and his cousin's fiancĂ©! 

I have to say.. Paintballing is SOOO fun! I was nervous about how much it will hurt, but with the adrenaline.. It's nothing!

We played allllllll day until 5 pm.. When we were out of paint and ready to head home! 

Cor was like a little kid at Disneyland.. Totally in his element and and soaking it up! He is gooooood too!!!! It was almost just more fun to watch him Rambo-out!!

Basically it just made me happy to see him so happy! Exactly what a birthday should be!

Vanessa being hardcore

Look a smile!!! Look carefully.. One might appear again!


Rambo himself =] 

Smile number 2! The whole group! Chucky, Sammy,Cor, Vanessa and me!

Both of my besties in one photo! Celebrating with a drink for those two and some yummy food to follow at Claim Jumper!

Cor's delissshhh red velvet birthday cupcake!

What a great day with great memories!!

I love you baby, 24 looks gooood on ya! 



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