This is the very first picture we took together.. April 1, 2009... Side by side with a picture taken today.. April 1, 2014!
I will never forget getting off the plane, being so unbelievably nervous.. Having him call me and say "I just got a call that I'm being deployed, I have to leave right now".. He hung up, my shoulders slumped, and I thought "Now what?"
I kept walking, dejected, scared (for a whole new reason), and disappointed.. I thought I was going to be stranded in Virginia and not even get to meet him, after waiting sooo long!
Then... BOOM!
Someone tackles me from behind, wraps me up in what now is my absolute favorite bear hug.. And says "APRIL FOOLS!!!"... That stinker!!
I should have known right then that life with Cor is anything but boring!
I will never forget the feeling of that day! Brings me back every time I stop to reminisce! =]
Had to share that!
On another note, we're back home and I'm back to work!
Our road trip home was lovely! We stopped in Cory's hometown, Tehachapi, and had lunch. We drove around and he showed me all the "spots".. That I've seen before, but it's so nice to listen again! I love to listen to Cory's childhood stories.. He lights up when he tells them and it makes my heart happy =]
Some happy nor cal cows on the way home lol
Cory's monster sandwich (the menu specifically states that it's meant for 2 people!!)... But just for Cor
My less huge.. But still huge sandwich
Dessert! YUM!
Cory's childhood house!!
This was the best story.. Cor found the old tunnels his friends and him made.. He was so excited and we had to get out so he could show me better!! Love his enthusiasm!
Feels good to be home!
I loved the story about your first April Fools! And how cute Cory is about his childhood stories. Makes me happy!